SFMF & SFMFPRO | What Do I Do If My Subscribers Ask Me Questions About Affiliate Offers I am Promoting?

In most cases, your prospects/subscribers are asking you questions before potentially buying an offer you may be promoting which means a potential commission for you. So you could be leaving money on the table if you do not respond.

However we do not know the answer to whatever question they may be asking and in most cases you won't either. Because we do not own the product/offer/service so we may be not so knowledgeable about it.

Here is what you can do: See what the question is and see to which offer they are referring to in your email sequence if for whatever they did not mention it in their email to you.

Locate the URL to that specific offer  you aren affiliate for and find out the link to their support desk.

Reply back to your prospect and let them know to email the main support for answers and provide the link to where they can go seek help. In other words be as helpful as possible and do not make your prospect jump through hoops just to get a question answered.

However if the question they are asking is a common or generic question and you know the answer, then do help them out by answering it for them. It always goes a long way by building TRUST and RELATIONSHIPS and making more money in the future.


NOTE: This article applies to both programs, SFMF and SFMFPRO. This does not mean this article must be or is a solution to an issue you may have with this particular subject. We just analyzed on our end that the solutions provided in this article can be applied in general to anything and is not necessarily "product specific".